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Generating a YouTube RSS Feed

I recently stumbled across a great tip on how to generate an RSS feed from YouTube.

YouTube has RSS feeds however they do not make them easily available. You can create a feed for your channel, your favorite channel or even have one generated by keywords.

Here are a couple of example feeds I created for myself:

1) Feed for videos tagged with "darts":

2) Feed from my favorite YouTube Channel:

3) Feed for Internet Marketing Videos

As you can see, by modifying the string you can create an RSS feed for virtually any topic. If you market your business on YouTube you can push the information using your feed. If you are looking for ineteresting web content for your blog or web site you can create a custom feed to update on it's own that interests your visitors. You can also plug the feed into Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.

Here are the strings in plain text you can use to copy and paste, creating your own YouTube RSS feeds. Simply change the words in all caps to the elements you'd like to use:

Videos by tag:

Videos by multiple tags:

Videos by channel:

HootSuite: Social Media Management for Business

Generating a YouTube RSS Feed by
Rags To Stitches Productions