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Another Thumbs Up for HootSuite

Back in November 09 HootSuite added some great features to their super useful service for managing Twitter accounts. I've recommended HootSuite in the past along with a handful of other options, but after using these new features for a few months I think I'm comfortable with HootSuite on a whole new level. Now in addition to managing multiple Twitter accounts and having the ability to import up to five RSS feeds per account, the following features have made busy days quick and easy when it comes to Social Networking tasks.

Support for Twitter Lists

In October 09 Twitter integrated a great feature called Twitter Lists. Using that feature you can organize those you follow into categories. With HootSuite now supporting the lists you can create tabs and/or columns for following Twitter users in a much more organized manner and in a lot less time.

Support for Facebook and LinkedIn

With Facebook and LinkedIn tuned in you can now create columns for these networks, read your friends’ status updates and update multiple Facebook accounts. The Facebook integration also offers in-line commenting. I find this a huge time saver as I can check in on My Dart Shirts Fan Page, Dart League Fan Page, Profile and LinkedIn all while doing the daily task of logging in to update my Twitter accounts.

Log In Once, Update Them All

To sum things up, MySpace now offers you the ability to have your Twitter feed update your status on your MySpace Profile through RSS. With that feature enabled and a quick login at HootSuite consider how quickly and easily you can update your Twitter accounts, Facebook pages, MySpace status and LinkedIn all within a few keystrokes and clicks! Then easily browse through your tabs and columns faster to read up on all of the Social Networks you follow.

I've found these new features to be an absolute time saver on a daily basis. And despite this being old news as things travel online, I wanted to give it a full test drive before blogging away about it. The comments are open for discussion, way to go HootSuite!

HootSuite: Social Media Management for Business

Another Thumbs Up for HootSuite by
Rags To Stitches Productions