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Add Social Sharing Buttons To Your Website!

Do you have social sharing buttons on your website, blog and other areas you promote your products and services? These feature elements are not only common practice these days, but essential for providing your site visitors with one-click access to sharing your content.

Social sharing increases your online visibility, grabs the attention of multiple users and often can lead to a viral sharing campaign. Here are just a few reasons to add social sharing functionality to your web sites:

Ease of Use

Simply clicking a button to share site content is just plain easy and convenient compared to having to copy the URL, login a social media account, paste the URL on the status box, not to mention users visiting your site on a mobile device. The site visitors time saved by a social share button is also imperative to keeping the attention of visitors while they're on your site.

Trusted Recommendations

Social media connects people who value each others opinions, and as a result people who see content being shared by their friends, family or colleagues through social share buttons automatically assume that it’s something worth checking out.

Directed Marketing

The number of people sharing the content indicated by social share buttons can provide insight as to which social media platform contributes the most to your website’s popularity. With this knowledge, you will then know how to take advantage of those strengths and improve in other areas.

Social sharing buttons have been proven to work, therefore adding them to your web site is a guaranteed return on investment. I can add social media sharing functionality with buttons that compliment your site for just $35.00.

Whether you prefer a simple in-line look, a sidebar style or custom buttons that compliment your web site design I can provide with the look, feel and functionality you prefer. It is also your choice as to which social networks you'd like to offer sharing functionality for. Whether it is all or just a select few, you know your target audience best.

Add this important feature to your site today!

Design and Install Social Sharing Functionality to One Web Site or Blog

Only $35.00!

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Add Social Sharing Buttons To Your Website! by
Rags To Stitches Productions