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Email Currently Leading Social Media for Generating Sales

A new E-Commerce Customer Acquisition Snapshot from Custora found that over the past four years, online retailers have quadrupled the rate of customers acquired through email. While Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networks are still valuable and important elements to have in your marketing scheme, email is still proving itself to be just as important for anyone selling online.

In order to maintain and reach your target audience professionally and effectively, I can't recommend Constant Contact enough. Their tools provide you with a very easy and manageable way of maintaining your recipient lists, remaining spam compliant, ensuring delivery and making sure your message is delivered in a professional way. And when it comes to closing a sale through email marketing, those tools are a necessity.

Find out more and sign up for your FREE trial of Constant Contact today, and increase your sales tomorrow.

Email Currently Leading Social Media for Generating Sales by
Rags To Stitches Productions